
About / Policies / Labor Policy

About / Policies / Labor Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility

Labor Policy

"At Geltech Metal, we recognize the value of human relationships and put people at the heart of our business."

The Labor Policy of Geltech Metal highlights the company's commitment to basic human rights as a vital component of how Geltech conducts business and works with its employees. This policy applies to all Geltech employees and workers, including trainees, temporary, contractual, student workers, and other types of workers.

Geltech Metal aims to uphold the following labor standards:


Prohibition of Forced Labor: Geltech strives to protect fundamental human rights when recruiting employees and conducts recruitment activities under the laws and regulations of the Philippines. Forced or compulsory labor, including bonded labor, is strictly prohibited. All work must be voluntary, and workers shall be free to leave their job or terminate their employment with Geltech by following a proper procedure on voluntary resignation.

Geltech believes that every human being has the right to choose whether or not to work. Any actions taken to obstruct this right are considered a violation of a person's right to choose their employment freely.


"At Geltech Metal, every child has the right to live in a safe environment that is free of violence, exploitation, and abuse."

Prohibition of Child Labor: Geltech supports the Philippine government in the prevention, protection, and abolition of hazardous and exploitative child labor by ensuring that no children are used in any stage of metal product manufacturing at our work site. The Management ensures that children do not start to work too young in any of Geltech's operations by adhering to the guidelines on child labor to the best of our ability.

Geltech believes that children's welfare is an important part of business because ensuring a bright future for children is everyone's responsibility.


"At Geltech Metal, we seek to deliver a satisfactory balance between work and personal life."

Working Condition of Employment: Geltech shall ensure that our employees are not forced or required to work beyond the normal working hours stipulated out from the Philippine labor code, international standards of conduct, and other related laws and regulations. Geltech is also committed to ensuring that the workplace does not jeopardize the health of our employees.

The Right to Weekly Rest Day

Geltech is committed to:

    1. Ensure that employees are entitled to a weekly rest day, which is scheduled every Sunday.

    2. Allow employees at least one day off every seven days.

    3. Provide each of our employees a rest period of not less than twenty-four (24) consecutive hours after every six (6) consecutive normal work days.

Despite all of the urgent needs, Geltech believes that taking a break during working hours is essential. Geltech will continue to highly encourage all employees to take breaks in order to maintain a happy attitude, eliminate negative feelings, and allow them for a mental reset.


"At Geltech Metal, we show our appreciation for our employees by paying wages and benefits without delay"

Our constant goal is to ensure that we compensate our employees fairly and in compliance with all applicable wage laws, including minimum wage, overtime pay, premium pay, and legally mandated benefits.


"At Geltech Metal, being humane is our first duty."

It is our firm commitment to prohibit cruel, inhumane, and degrading workplace treatment and, instead, to promote compassion, sympathy, and consideration for all employees' interactions with each other.

Within our organization and throughout our supply chain, we place a high value on treating people with dignity and respect.


"At Geltech Metal, any form of discrimination and harassment is prohibited and not tolerated."

    a. Our Commitment

    - Geltech is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and harassment, in which all individuals are treated with respect and dignity, have

    the opportunity to contribute fully, and have equal opportunities.

    - Geltech will not tolerate inappropriate or disrespectful behavior, unfair treatment, or retaliation of any kind.

    - Geltech is committed to respect human rights and value the diversity of our employees and the contributions they make.

    b. Scope

        - This policy applies to all Geltech employees, whether they are full-time, part-time, temporary, probationary, casual, or trainees.

        - This remains true for all aspects of the employment relationship, including recruitment, selection, promotion, transfers, training, salaries, benefits, and


        - Extends beyond the Geltech premises, such as off-site client meetings, business transactions, company social events, and electronic communications.

    c. Prohibition of Discrimination and Harassment

        Geltech believes in and supports the right to be treated fairly and without discrimination or harassment. Geltech prohibits discrimination or harassment

        based on any of the following grounds, or any combination of these grounds:

            1. Race

            2. Color

            3. Age

            4. Religion

            5. Sex (including pregnancy and breastfeeding)

            6. Gender Identity and Expression

            7. Sexual Orientation

            8. Family status (such as a parent-child relationship)

            9. Marital status (including the status of being married, single, widowed, divorced, separated, or living in a conjugal relationship outside of marriage,

            whether in a same sex or opposite sex relationship)

            10. Disability (including mental, physical, developmental or learning disabilities)

            11. Ethnicity or National Origin

            12. Political Affiliation

            13. Association or relationship with a person identified by one of the above grounds.


"At Geltech Metal, all individuals, regardless of sexual orientation, have an equal right to self-organization that is respected and supported."

Our Commitment

Geltech believes that the right to freedom of association, in conjunction with the right to collective bargaining, is one of the most important human rights that businesses should uphold.

In compliance with local legislation and international standards of conduct, Geltech will respect all workers' rights to form and join labor unions of their choice, to bargain collectively, and to peacefully participate, as well as their right to refrain from doing so.

Employees will be able to communicate openly with management about working conditions and management practices without fear of discrimination, retaliation, intimidation, or harassment.