
About / Policies / Environmental Policy

About / Policies / Environmental Policy

Corporate Social Responsibility

Environmental Policy

"A sustainable company is resource efficient and environmentally friendly."

The Environmental Policy of Geltech Metal emphasizes on the foundation of sustainable furtherance and continual diligence to safeguard the global environment imparting to the basic standards of healthy existence/ survival, at the same time, to the persisted welfare of the company. Through the implementation of this policy, Geltech will fulfil proactive demonstration of commitment to environmental stewardship and long-term progress.

Geltech Metal aims to uphold the following targets and objectives of environmental standards:


Environmental Permits: Geltech reinforces the objective that environmental permitting is a critical tool for lowering the company’s environmental impacts, enabling compliance with environmental regulations, and at the same time, encouraging technical innovation. Our company regulates control on our processes in line with the standard environmental requirements in order to safeguard the environment.


Our approach to minimizing environmental degradation is to minimize resource use through aiming for greater efficiency in our processes, greater quality of products, and application of conservation and recycling of resources. Our pollution-prevention method can be thought of as to reduce unnecessary consumption of resources, reusing of resources when possible and recycling of resources that cannot be reused.

With such, we will be able to create and maintain a pollution-free and resource-friendly community and environment through establishing the following steps:

    - Identification of possible pollutants contributed by the processing of our products and of other means that are present and are being used within our company premises.

    - Establishment of Pollution Prevention Team who are responsible in maintaining the conservation of resources and the control of waste generation which could contribute to environmental pollution.


Geltech Metal is committed to ensuring the health and safety of our workers, the community and the environment by controlling purchase, storage, use and disposal of hazardous substances. We are aware and we recognize that in some instances, hazardous substances are used and as such require measures to eliminate and control risks of exposure to all workers. An imperative part of these measures includes supplying workers with proper personal protective equipment and information about the substances that they are exposed to.


Our company has associated discipline on waste management through controlling of waste generation, storage, collection and processing disposal of solid waste. As the company recognises the importance of meeting the legal requirements to manage its waste responsibly, we make ways to reduce the volume of waste we generate and to maximize reusing and recycling methods where possible.

Fundamentally, we apply the following methods on managing our waste in the best way applicable in our company:

    - Implementation of waste segregation to maximize possibility of the resource recycling program and to minimize contamination to the environment.

    - Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Program to maximise use and conservation of resources.